Equal employment opportunity to transgender and ensure non-discrimination; SC agrees to hear plea

Anagha K

It is 2021 an extremely updated version of world in all directions like technology, education, living standard etc… but it is very sad to realize the truth, that the people from LGBT group are still in that position or the situation where they was, except in some cases .even today they are suffering a lot in their life, they have to fight for equal rights and acceptance of their identity, This is a major issue because discrimination against the LGBT community is highly prevalent. People’s prejudices lead them to think that LGBT people are odd and very different. Today, more Indian teenagers are tolerant of homosexuality and queer identities than ever before, but acceptance within the walls of communities, their families and schools remains a constant challenge for LGBT people. There are many heard stories of people coming out of the closet and announcing to their families that they are not the person they were raised to be. And the violence towards these communities is not innumerable. So they are afraid to come out of their safe zone face the society, to pursue their dreams to live with dignity.. as a result they also suffered issues like unemployment ,poverty, lack of health care.

On 12 / 03 / 2021 Supreme Court of India agreed to hear a plea seeking direction to treat transgender as “socially and educationally backward classes of citizens” and extend reservation in admission in educational institutions and public appointments.

This plea was field by advocate Reepak Kansal and others seeking equal employment opportunity to transgender and ensure non-discrimination challenging a notification published for filling up 2000 to the post of IB ACIO (Intelligence Bureau-Assistant Central Intelligence Officer) grade II / executive in the notification they only mentioned applications from Indian national male and female specifically they didn’t mention about the others. And the plea says that it is violation of fundamental rights and human rights of Transgender and it is a violation of section 3 and section 9 of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 and the apex court judgment. The petition also asked the government to give transgender and third-gender peoples an equal chance to participate in the examination.  The bench comprising chief justice S A Bobde and justice A S Bopanna asked petitioner to implead Transgender associations in the matter immediately.

It is really a great movement for the development of transgender community. This plea can do a lot for the transgender community, this will create a mental support to stand for their rights and question against issues which they are suffering. This plea is a remainder for all those people, organizations or a form which forgets to add the third genders in it. If the court consider this plea then the transgender get reservations and they will take part in participate and get employment opportunities it will help everyone to normalize being a third gender id a normal thing and to consider them as a citizen  ,it will develop living status of them and help to control violence towards them.