Address of the internet can be termed as Domain Name. With the Domain Name we can easily find out the web pages and the e-mails that we sent. Domain Name can be divided into hierarchy order.

The highest level of hierarchy arises after the last dot (.) In a Domain Name. The highest level domain name that can be seen commonly is .COM. Other common highest level domain name is .ORG. Each country has given a unique domain name. Second Level domain names are the domain names which arise over such domain name disputes.

Two identical domain name cannot be co-existed. For registering a second level domain as the highest level there should be a request made to the organization which has the power to assign names for such top management. Population is increasing day by day. So came to realize that the domain name should be same as their company’s name. A company who need a domain name should filed an application in front of appropriate agencies. Examples of domain names are,, and etc.

Today judicial proceedings are very slow. So many parties have turned to the domain name dispute policies of the domain name registrars. Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999 was passed by Congress in response to intense lobbying from trademark owners and famous individuals. For individuals and companies who need to take over domain names that are similar to their names was much easier than after the passing of this Act. However it establishes the domain name holder to act in good faith.

Some portions of this act enables the individual to file a civil action against anyone registered their domain names as second level domain name. Other portion of this statute protects all companies from person who is in bad faith register a domain name as similar to their domain name.