Category: Students Corner


Author-KRISH BHATIA “It takes one pleasant gesture to make someone’s day and only three words to destroy someone’s life. TALAQ. TALAQ. TALAQ.” Triple talaq is actually known as it allows a husband to divorce his wife by repeating the word “talaq” (divorce) three times in any form, including email or text message. Under the Muslim

Interview with Mr. Aditya Jain, Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India & Founding Partner at J&G advocates

After exchange of pleasantries, the interviewer, on behalf of E-Justice India, began interviewing Mr. Aditya Jain (Advocate-on-Record, Supreme Court of India and Founding Partner at J&G advocates). 1.         Interviewer: How would you like to describe yourself to our readers? Interviewee: I am Aditya Jain. I am Advocate-on-Record in the Supreme court of India. I am,


Author : Ashita Jobanputra  Co-Author : Jhanvi Shah INTRODUCTION: Forced labour in India has become a pervasive issue. The problems related to such forced labour and slavery needs to be tackled in the country in order to provide justice for the said community. The multi-faceted legal system needs to address the exploitation and slavery towards


Author : Sakshi Kothari (Amity University, Gwalior) Historical Background of Courts Firstly, the society was formed with the  first ancestors not for the development purpose but to bring peace among the individuals. The conflicts were resolved within the parties under the bench of King. But later on ,the society started to be expanded then the

Law of Bail in India

Author : Chitranshi Verma (Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida) Introduction Bail is a structure used to secure the appearance of an accused person of an awaiting trial before the respective court. The term bail is not defined under CRPC, the word ‘bail’ means security deposited to appear before the court for the temporary release from imprisonment. Originally

Interview with Convenor of Legal Aid Centre, University of Lucknow

Tell me about yourself/your organization in brief. About Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow: Established in 1921, Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow ( is a pioneer legal institution of India. The Faculty has introduced LL.B. (Hons.) Five Year Course in 1995. The Faculty is running a Centre of Excellence on Gandhian Dream of Litigation


Author: Anushka Ukrani Co-author: Himanshu Anand INTRODUCTION We are living through unprecedented times. The WHO-declared pandemic COVID-19 has spread to 213 countries and territories, with 7446229 cases around the world. India itself has 287155 positive cases. Considering the seriousness of the crisis the countries have adopted various measures such as imposition of travel bans, denial