Author :- Prapti Derasari


God has made this universe so wonderful. It includes humans, animals, plants, sun, mountains, rivers, etc. from all his uniqueness, the most three important, wonderful and magic things is plants, animals, and human beings. The only difference between them, is human beings can express their words by speaking while animals and plants can’t express their words by speaking.

“Human beings” – means a man, women or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech and upright stance.

Moreover, as we are human beings, it is our duty to take proper care of animals and plants. Today, I am pissed off to inform you all that, we all are failed in taking proper care of the same.

If I talk about our environment i.e. plants and trees, each day they are being cut in uncountable.

This is an issue, which we will discuss later. Today I have written article which only focuses on concern or issues related to animals and their cruelty. Recently we are going through our tough time by suffering from COVID 19, every people are trying to keep themselves safe and secure from pandemic. Is anybody thinking about how animals are surviving?

Assam and many other states are suffering from flood every now and then. Has someone thought about how animals in Assam are surviving? If we will not get food to eat for more than two to three days, than we become unconscious then how can stray animals can survive without food for days and days?

I just want to share a recent incident that shocked the entire world. When I heard this incident, I was lost for some time that how cruel a man can be.

A pregnant elephant in Palakkad district of Kerala was given a pineapple laced with explosives. Her jaw was grievously damaged due to which she roamed around hungry. How someone can be so bad?

Due to our driving negligence, animals are becoming victims of accidents and up to 24 hours or more they are in a same situation and die on the spot. Animals are beaten very badly for no reason. Before some days ago on video got viral on social media related to dog cruelty. Dogs were kept in one big bag tide with thread and bitten for no reason.

In India tradition and mythology, various gods and goddess are associated with the various animals which is evident from the celebration of festivals like worshipping of Nandi bull in lord Shiva temple.

Daily approximately one million of animals are being killed as a part of food and eaten by people. Some animals are killed only for having their feathers and some are killed due to their attractive skin.

Where is humanity? In 2019, another incident came out in light where in Uttar Pradesh a tigress was brutally beaten with strikes, under a protected zone of the Pilibhit Tiger Reserve. In our schools and collages we learn about the development of national parks and wildlife centuries, made for protection of animals. And in reality the scene is totally different.

There are so many incidences which has been taken place in national parks and centuries itself, elephants are becoming victims for losing their teeth. Are they safe in any part of the world? Another inhumane act saw the worst day on September 2019 when a video of a nilgai (antelope) being pushed into a pit in Bihar and buried alive got viral.

In New Delhi where a man ‘serial dog killer’ who allegedly beat, stabbed and killed three dogs and a puppy and the worst part of animal cruelty has just came into picture recently, certain sadistic people are deriving pleasure out of torturing animals on social media platforms like TikTok to increase their followers/views.

Let us see what our laws say:

Our judicial system has amended various guidelines as per our Indian Constitution. In our India Constitution there are various rules, Sections and Articles which prohibits animal cruelty.

Constitution of India

Indian Penal Code (IPC)

 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Shelterhouse) Rules, 1972

Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960 (PCA Act) to mention safety, protection, welfare, punishment in cases of animal cruelty

Article 51(A) G and 48A of IC also prohibit animal cruelty. List-II (State List), Seventh Schedule, State is provided with the powers and authority to preserve, secure, and improve stock and forest animal illnesses and authorized veterinary preparation and practice.

Even in List III given to both center and the state have the force and power to prevent inhumane attitude towards animals and ensure the safety of wild animals and birds. Eleventh Schedule (Article 243G) – formatters such as dairying and poetry, creature farming and fishers. Other act such as:

  • Dog breeding and Marketing Rules, 2017
  • Animal Birth Control (Dog) Rules, 2001
  • Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulations of Livestock Markets) Rules, 2017

Most positive sign for the animal protection was given by judicial system. The very landmark case of Karnal Singh and Ors. V. State of Haryana. Another landmark case of Animal welfare board of India v. A. Nagaraja & Ors. “The main object was related to adequate penalties and punishments should be imposed.” In Narayan Datt Bhatt v. Union of India & Ors – “we may, therefore, define a person for the purpose of jurisprudence as any entity to which rights or duties may be attributes.”

One of the leading problem, which I think we should make stop, is the animals which are used for experiment purpose. Animals too have equal rights to live equally as human beings.

So please stop using animals. Another problem which I would like to bring in eyes is of pet owners. If we are bringing a pet to our house, we should not treat them badly. I have personally seen, the owners and their negligence, result the pets becoming victims of death. If I compare the animal development with cruelty, then other countries are much more ahead in protecting them. They treat animals in so well manner.

Even their laws are strict. One YouTube Channel which I would like to share with you – “HOPE FOR PAWS” California, USA, they are doing their excellent job for protecting animals by providing forever shelter (must go through this channel). In India we are having so many NGOs, which are working for animal welfare. But still in our country, there are billion number of animals, which are suffering today in bad manner. Development in protecting animals is definitely existing, but if we make comparison then cruelty leads from development.

List of some cruelties-

  • A street dog was left to die when workers poured hot tar on it while it was sleeping.
  • A medical student from Chennai threw a dog off the terrace.
  • A pregnant goat was gang raped by eight men in Haryana.
  • A female street dog was raped by a man inside his home in Kolkata.
  • A man had unnatural sex with three cows in Vadodara.
  • Several stray dogs were poisoned to death in Nagpur.
  • A stray dog fractured its skull after being beaten with an iron rod in Mumbai.
  • A cow was run over by a police vehicle in Chhattisgarh.
  • Sick and wounded horses were used in wedding procession in Delhi.

What to say further? My hands were shaking while typing this incidences. “I am speechless.” I will just say one thing that please stop abusing animals. Try to love them. They will not betray us forever. In fact they will give much more love and affection in return. Please feed them instead of beating and hurting.

Some urgent need to make more strict rules and regulations for the protection of animals (try to follow 🙂

  • The Delhi HC states that there are no laws that prohibits people from feeding stray animas
  • It is illegal to maim or cause any injury to any animal
  • Reports of cruelty to be taken seriously
  • Animals are not safe even in pet shelters
  • See animals as a part of society
  • No animal attacks without reason
  • Do not differentiated between strays and pets
  • Educate kids to be kind to animals
  • If you see animal in need please call animal care helpline
  • Provide temporary homes to abused animals.
  • Be responsible pet owners
  • Strengthen laws to protect animals
  • Regular monitoring can keep population in check
  • Animal have a right to live without fear and pain
  • Keep unauthorized killings in check
  • Make policies to protect animals
  • By cruelty free products
  • Experiments on animals must be stopped
  • Promote veterinary profession among youths
  • Ban animal festival with competitive games
  • Stop animal circuses
  • Avoid entertainment events victimizing animals


At last, I would like to conclude my article by saying that please stop animal cruelty.

“Why be mean to animals when they treat you better than people…”


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